AMR Story: Mike Calhoun

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AMR Story: Mike Calhoun

Reliant Mission | Jul 1, 2024, 16:58 PM

My name is Mike Calhoun, and I am the Pastor of Ministry Training at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, NC. My ministry oversees the Summit Institute; this year, we trained forty-five men and women for future global ministry. 

When I began the Institute, I knew I wanted our students to experience faith-based support ministry. I heard about Reliant, and our church entered a partnership with them. We have been working together for seven years, and I would not want to do ministry without Reliant. I have been asked multiple times by churches looking to begin a Residency program what I felt were the non-negotiables. I always include working with Reliant as one of those, and we could not have accomplished what we have without them.

In the past seven years, over one hundred students have gone into full-time ministry somewhere in the world; 83% of our graduates are now in ministry. These graduates reach people globally with the gospel and see people "turned from darkness to light." Reliant plays a part in all of their lives and ministries. While the students are being trained through the Institute, they serve at one of our thirteen campuses in the RDU area. They are reaching children through adults during their tenure in the program. I believe what Reliant does in helping them to grow their faith is a significant contributor to the fruit of their ministry.