Meet Barb Seckler

Hear how Barb Seckler has experienced nearly all sides of Reliant throughout the years.

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Meet Barb Seckler

Jenni Olowo | Dec 11, 2017, 13:00 PM

Hear how Barb Seckler has experienced nearly all sides of Reliant throughout the years.

This woman of God has served the Lord and Reliant in a variety of roles, committed to using the unique way God has gifted her to reach and minister to many different people.

1. How long have you been with Reliant?

I went through staff training in June 2000, right after graduating from the University of Missouri. However, my first involvement with this ministry began as a freshman in January 1997.

2. What role did you serve in when you became a missionary with Reliant?

I started out as a field missionary serving on the University of Missouri campus with The Rock campus church. I worked with women's ministry, short-term mission trips to Latin America, ran the hospitality ministry, and co-led a few homegroups/small groups.

3. What was your favorite part about being a campus missionary?

My favorite part of being in campus ministry was spending time together with students and combining that with my love of cooking/baking. College students tend to appreciate a home-cooked meal or treat, so a regular part of my day was making treats for evening Bible studies or having a student or group of students over to my house. Our church service was on Saturday evenings, so on Sunday mornings I hosted a Bible study at my house called Muffins -n-Moore. Every Sunday I'd make a few batches of muffins, and then I'd have some of the women leaders over to my apartment to do a Bible study. The group got its name because we ended up doing a number of Beth Moore Bible studies together.

4. What was the hardest part about being a campus missionary?

After a few years of campus ministry, I realized that I was much more introverted than I had previously wanted to admit. Spending time with students was a privilege and joy, but I found myself volunteering for more and more administrative tasks within our church because I enjoy admin work and because it was a break from all the up-front time with people.

5. What led you to transition roles to working in the Reliant office? What is your role now?

As I prayed about my gifting, it became clear that long term I would probably be happier and more effective for the kingdom in a more "backstage" role that was more administrative. Plus I have to admit, the cold weather in Missouri was also becoming less and less enticing. So an opportunity to work in the Reliant (formerly Great Commission Ministries) office in Orlando was very intriguing. I moved to Florida in September 2003 and started working in the missions department, helping coordinate mission-trip logistics for short-term teams to Latin America. As I worked with the mission teams, I had a number of interactions with the finance department and developed some strong friendships with the finance team. In January 2005, one of the key finance team members decided to move on to focus on staying home with her kids, and an opportunity opened up for me to become the payroll coordinator. I accepted the position and have stayed in the finance/payroll department ever since. My love of math and organizing have served me well here.

6. What do you like best about working in the office?

I love the people I work with and the missionaries we serve! Plus I have to admit, we work in a beautiful office location, and they feed us very well. Our office has a monthly lunch/birthday celebration, which I always look forward to! If you haven't figured it out yet...I love good food...and spending quality time with my Reliant family. Our office team loves, encourages and serves one another in a way that truly exemplifies John 13:35 — “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

7. What are a few fun facts about you personally?

I have been married almost 10 years, and I have two amazing kids (5 years old and just turned 1). I am the most competitive person in our office, and they like to give me a hard time about it. I love coffee (with tons of creamer), and my candy drawer in the office is a must stop for all kids on the unofficial Reliant office tour. And according to my son, I am the purple power ranger. So I have that going for me.

8. What is the craziest thing you’ve done while being in full-time ministry?

Oh wow...I'd have to say there was what can only be described as an "epic" scavenger hunt that involved scraping roadkill up with a piece of cardboard, ridiculous purchases at Walmart, and pulling out some of my former dance moves from high school, complete with a toe touch and splits (which, by the way, was a bad idea after being out of practice for about six years — I felt that pain the next few days). But hey, we met some new students, had a great time and forged some friendships that have lasted almost two decades. College ministry was a wonderful mix of sharing Christ and sharing life with young people at a crucial time in their lives where they're solidifying their values and beliefs and hopefully making their walks with Christ a permanent and integral part of their lives. I wouldn't trade those memories and experiences for anything.